We meet at The Evangelical Church on the Island. Our worship meeting time is 4:30 PM on Saturdays. 

Grace kids @home 4-3 resolution



Week of 11th May 24


Welcome to this week’s Grace Kids @Home, a recap of last Saturday's Grace Kids lesson.

Ever wondered what’s going on every Saturday at Grace Kids with your child(ren)?
Ever asked your child(ren) after the kid’s service what they learnt but never really gotten enough information?
Do you just always get the same answer ‘it was fun’?

We’ve prepared a short question guide that will enable you as a parent to follow up with your children on the lesson they had. For effective learning at Grace Kids we believe in the 3 step learning cycle – presentation (in class), feedback (in class) and follow up/repetition (at home). We encourage you to take time every week and complete the learning process for the kids so that the truth of the Gospel will be sustained in their hearts.

Before beginning the discussion ensure you have less distractions, try to make the discussion informal, please do not exceed 20 minutes in conducting the discussion.

First, ask the children the questions and note down their answers thereafter read the answers to them and help them remember.

The important discussion-questions to ask your children are:

  1. a) Why did Paul go to the synagogues? b) In what ways did Saul’s life change after he became a Christian? c) What’s the difference between knowing Jesus and knowing about Jesus? d) When we trust in Jesus, how does God change us?
  2. How does this story connect to Christ?
  3. Can you recite the key passage – ‘John 3:17’?
  4. What was the answer to the big picture question – ‘Who can be saved?’



1. The Bible story


In the early days of the church, Paul worked hard to stop people from telling others about Jesus. He did not believe that Jesus is the Son of God. He thought that people who believed in Jesus should be put in jail or be killed. Many believers left the city to get away from Paul.
Paul decided to go to the city of Damascus to arrest believers there. He was traveling along the road when all of a sudden, a very bright light came down from heaven. It flashed around Paul, and he fell to the ground. Then Paul heard a voice saying, “Why are you against Me?”
“Who are You, Lord?” Paul asked.
“I am Jesus,” He said. Jesus told Paul to go into the city and wait for more instructions.
Paul got up and opened his eyes, but he couldn’t see anything! So the men who were traveling with Paul led him into the city.
A man named Ananias (an uh NIGH uhs) lived in the city. Ananias loved Jesus. God spoke to Ananias in a vision and told him to go visit Paul. Ananias knew that Paul was an enemy of Jesus, but God had a plan for Paul. God said, “I have chosen Paul to tell many people about Me.”

Ananias obeyed God. He went to Paul and said, “Jesus sent me here to help you.” Then Ananias put his hands on Paul, and Paul could see again. Paul got up and was baptized.
For the next few days, Paul stayed in the city with other people who believed in Jesus. He went to the synagogues to tell people about Jesus. “Jesus is the Son of God!” Paul said. The people were amazed. They knew Paul had been an enemy of Jesus, but now he loved Jesus!
The Jews did not like what Paul was saying, so they made a plan to kill him. The other believers helped Paul sneak out of the city at night.

  2. Christ Connection

Paul was an enemy of Jesus and His followers, but then God changed him. Jesus came to earth to save sinners like Paul. (1 Timothy 1:15) When we trust in Jesus, He changes us from the inside out.

3. Key passage/Memory verse

Middle kids (5-6years old)

"God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him." John 3:17

Older Kids (7-9years old)

"For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him."
John 3:17

4. Big picture question

Who can be saved? Anyone who trusts in Jesus is forgiven of their sins.


We hope this is a blessing to you and your family. If you have any questions, please let us know! send us an email kids@gracechurchabudhabi.com 


Asha Bylot

Grace Kids & Tweens team